Nutzer:innen aus aller Welt teilen ihre Erfahrungen beim Sprachenlernen.
4,6 im App Store, Play Store und auf Trustpilot. Mehr als 7 Millionen Lernende
Hello everybody. I have started to learn English 3 times in my life. This year, I am giving it...
I started off with Frantastique FLE a few years ago and really liked the product. It took me a...
The French course is very fun and I gradually make little progress. Since I studied Latin in high...
I studied French earlier at my school & fell in love with it! I was looking for a way...
I have always been interested in French culture and language, but I am not interested...
I've forgotten everything I've learned in the English language. It was boring and tedious...
Hello Gymghish fans around the world! I was supposed to have a very good level in English...
Every morning I'm always enthusiastic to discover my new lesson. Each lesson helps me...
First of all, Gymglish is a wonderful and funny way to refresh my English. Second...
It is very funny to learn English with Gymglish lessons! It is interesting to discover...
Your approach is light-hearted and the "spicy mode" humor makes learning fun and easy...
Hello! My name is Jessica, and I am from Dakar, Sénégal. I know of Gymglish because of...
At school, I took English as my first foreign language, but after six years I was...
I love Frantastique because it's so easy to improve my French - every day...
I have been using Frantastique for more than 100 days ,and I have improved from Level 3.3
I am a Canadian who was born in Montreal, but I have lived most of my adult life...
Good afternoon Gymglish Team, Since I learned the basic commands of English in secondary school...
Thank you very much for the educational English lessons I get from you. It is nice that you want...
Cet exercice divertissant va dans le sens de mon intérêt pour la langue française, planté très...
Hi! I'm a Spanish teacher, but my son married an Australian girl two years ago...