Was unsere Nutzer über Aimigo sagen

Nutzer:innen aus aller Welt teilen ihre Erfahrungen beim Sprachenlernen.

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Mehr als 7 Millionen Lernende

Berta T. (FORALLAC (17111))

Gymglish has become part of my daily routine. I feel at ease performing every day...

Frédérique F. (Linkebeek)

Like many people of my age, I have a great fear of losing my memory...or worse...

Andrew C. (London)

I've occasionally had to work in French throughout my career - mainly in Morocco, Algeria...

Gaby B. (Lindau (Bodensee))

Breakfast with tea and my French lesson is my first highlight of the day...

Michelle P. (Chatenay-Malabry)
Hotel Borbollón

Having travelled to Latin America on multiple occasions, I learned a lot of...

Dominique F. (Lausanne)

Your courses are so attractive that they save time in the learning process.

Cristina B. (Rio de Janeiro)

The most important thing is that Gymglish courses have helped me improve my French...

Saa Momory T. (Conakry)

I am very happy for Gymglish to help me improve my English (writing and speaking)...

Roberto M. (Santa Cruz)

I have been studying French with Frantastique since 2018 and today, I am very confident when...

Annie T. (Lyon)

je viens de renouveler mon abonnement et j'en suis à plus de 220 h de formation.........

Paul A. (Antwerpen - 2018)

Thanks to this course, I can communicate better with the people in my town (60% have foreign...

Freda O. (Montpellier)

I am an English speaker and the first time Frantastique was introduced to me...

Vanessa C. (Italy)

I admit your lessons have improved my English level, but I'll be needing more and more lessons!


I wanted to start learning English again now that I have time to travel, since I'm retired....

Yvette S. (Chateaugiron 35410)
Saga Baldoria

A wide variety of humorous lessons, with just the right amount of grammar and...

Andrea P. (São Paulo)

I started with Frantastique in 2019 to complement a French course I had previously...

Alain G. (Bruxelles)
Hotel Borbollón

Funny, absurd stories, contemporary graphics, interesting cultural insights...

Urszula R. (Rüti)

I play bridge. It is a very British card game, and also in our bridge club there are...

Claudine A. (Paris)

Every day I have a moment to myself and complete my lesson. I enjoy dialogues very much...

Thomas W. (Hofheim)

I only really learned my French in Paris after graduating from high school. Since then...