Erfahrungsbericht von Lucy R.

I studied French at the University many years ago. Unfortunately, I stopped practicing what I learnt and I have forgotten most of that beautiful language. A couple of weeks ago I went to France to visit one of my best friends and I had a wonderful experience, I liked it so much! The food is delicious, the people were very kind and I saw the most beautiful landscapes ever! About my level of French, well... It was a different story. I started feeling very anxious from the very beginning of my journey because I literally couldn't express myself about the most basic things without feeling embarrassed. My friend translated conversations for me the first week (and most of my time there, to be honest) but she told me she wouldn't do it all the time, so she left me alone sometimes with her relatives and I had to find a way to communicate, even though I was aware of my mistakes. I must say that it was a wonderful opportunity to practice, to remember things and rediscover how wonderful a language French is (even with its so many difficult sounds). After four weeks there I was able to understand much better than speaking, but I found myself having some short conversations without my 'non-official translator' saving my life and that made me feel proud of my progress. Now, I am back to my routine and I found this course which I have loved so far! The material, the corrections and the layout of the information are absolutely amazing. I feel so motivated to continue studying French, I'm so happy I found Frantastique!
— Lucy R. (chambersburg, UNITED STATES)