Erfahrungsbericht von Patricia J.
My daily French lesson with Frantastique has given me a daily focus. I am an old woman in my mid-eighties and sadly my husband died a little more than two years ago. He was French and I miss him so very much. We had a long, good marriage, worked hard and reared a family and whenever there was enough money travelled to France to visit family and parts of France which hither to we were not familiar. I guess I have always really loved France because even before I met my husband, I had already been in that beautiful country for five holidays. I do find the language difficult, but when in France, I don't worry about it and speak as best as I can manage. I find good eye contact and politeness helps span some of what I lack in grammar. Thank you for this wonderful course. I can do it in the comfort of my own home and spend as much time doing it as I wish. I appreciate your little personal touches.........and your patience...............and it is helping me to keep in touch with my husband's family.
— Patricia J. (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)