Erfahrungsbericht von Susan K.

So... I moved to France eight years ago with only enough French to buy a baguette every day. I muddled through for a while, did some group lessons, but decided I needed to commit to personalised lessons and took a 3 year course spending approx 15 minutes five times a week on Frantastique. I never missed a day and it was the first thing I'd do every day. The vocabulary was real, mixing everyday with some more specific chosen topics and some slang thrown in too.... perfect. I progressed with my grammar to and found the regular revision on trickier elements worked well. I became more confident speaking, writing, using the correct tense etc. I'm actually an English teacher in France working with business people and helping them improve their business English and my experience learning French has really helped with my own teaching methods, a little every day, regular revision, make it funny whenever possible. My French has plateaued over the last year, I live in France but speak English at home and at work so have decided to come back to my proven method... Frantastique. Looking forward to getting back into the learning mode.
— Susan K. (Fabas, FRANCE)