Erfahrungsbericht von Silke W.

My daily newspaper offered three months of language courses free of charge to try out. Actually, I didn't want to because I was worried about being "bombarded" with offers afterwards. But shortly before, we had been in contact with a French dog breeder and it was noticeable that my school French could do with a boost. So I gave it a try and was amazed to find that the course was fun, not a bit boring! In the meantime, I've completed almost 100 lessons, I'm long out of the trial phase and still at it. I think it's great that the course speaks my language, just as I use it in German, in a manner that ranges from selected to vulgar - which is good, because that's how I talk, politely to bitchily 😉 In the meantime, we've been to the breeder and the dog has moved in with us, but is now learning German. And I don't get annoyed!
— Silke W. (Gummersbach, GERMANY)