Erfahrungsbericht von Lex B.

At first, I started studying French as a hobby and it made me very happy. Of course, there are roots which come from the Huguenots or even from the life of the Cathars, thousands of years ago. Now, I'm in love with a woman of French descent and I'm so happy to be able to speak French. My French isn't great, but I thoroughly enjoy trying to speak the language. I want to go even further in my language learning process. I actually wrote a moving poem. Here it is: Je n'attendais plus ta tendresse dans mon âge avancé tu est venue d'ailleurs d'où mes prières sont retournés Ton amitié et air chaleureuse font fondre mon jardin d'hiver ou est-ce un cri de coeur brisé quit réalise mon pied -a- terre? Quand mon rêve voit le jour et arrive le point de non-retour je trouve son mot de passe je t'aime mon amour en je t'embrasse What a beautiful language. Thank you very much and take care.
— Lex B. (Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS)