Übersetzung & Definition

the workforce (of a company): die Arbeitskräfte, das Personal (eines Unternehmens) noun


  • "They would save $100m if they just got rid of 15% of their workforce."
  • "The newer generation of Chinese entrepreneurs wants to dispel the notion that China's only contribution to the global economy is its massive workforce and cheap production."
  • "Our workforce is so varied."
  • "I want to thank you for your invaluable help over the last few weeks: Replacing the majority of our workforce with automatons and robots was no easy task, but your help in reducing our fragile, fleshy and weak human staff was done with ruthless, near robotic, efficiency."
  • "I worry about the mental health of our workforce."
  • "I'm sure you know that China's workforce and economic growth make us a leading power for the 21st century and beyond."

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