Übersetzung & Definition

I wonder (if / whether Bruno is happy): Ich frage mich, (ob Bruno glücklich ist) verb
I wonder whether we'll have this report finished by Monday. Ich frage mich, ob wir diesen Bericht bis Montag fertig haben werden.
a wonder: ein Wunder, eine Verwunderung noun
It's a wonder that he's still running marathons at the age of ninety. Es ist ein Wunder, dass er mit neunzig Jahren immer noch Marathons läuft.

UK: Can you name the seven wonders of the world?
US: I wonder if I can...


  • "Sometimes I wonder if it's worth organising any kind of social activities at the company."
  • "It's the big, hunky landmass between Africa and the Atlantic in case you were wondering."
  • "I wonder if you can hear me, sweet friend, sweet prince."
  • "I know it's up to you of course, but Susie- Oh that's right... You're probably wondering about Susie."
  • "You're probably wondering what exactly happened between Bruno and I, and to be honest it's not easy to explain."
  • "I was wondering if you could perhaps use your political influence, as the president of Europe to, er, pull a few strings?"
  • "It truly is one of mother nature's most wonderful wonders."
  • "I was wondering where you got those magnificent baby blues!"
  • "Harold : So, ladies and gentlemen, you're probably wondering why I've brought you all the way up to the North Pole."
  • "One wonders how the company's CEO, Bruno Delavigne will react to this latest fiasco."

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