Übersetzung & Definition

to wish (someone) a happy birthday: (jemandem) zum Geburtstag gratulieren idiom
I called my mom to wish her a happy birthday. Ich rief meine Mutter an, um ihr zum Geburtstag zu gratulieren.


  • "Ok, everyone, get ready to sing "Happy Birthday" when I open the door."
  • "Really, Happy Birthday Funky Friday!"
  • "Philip : Happy birthday, dude."
  • "Cake (with the inscription: "Happy Birthday Bob")"
  • "Bob also said that even though we have some printing problems, which he anticipates will last for a while, he will be here to wish Horatio a "happy birthday", in person."
  • "Staff : (Singing) Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Icarus, happy birthday to you!"
  • "I have a red permanent marker if you would like to write "Happy Birthday" on them. Finally, the party favors are a definite "no-no"."
  • "I have a red marker if you would like to write "Happy Birthday" on them. Finally, the hats and noise-makers are definitely not allowed."
  • "Happy Birthday, Funky Fridays!"

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