Übersetzung & Definition

(I am) willing (to take that risk): (Ich bin) bereit, (das Risiko einzugehen) adjective
I am willing to stay late, if that's what it takes to finish this project. Ich bin bereit bis spät zu bleiben, wenn dieses Projekt dadurch zu Ende gebracht wird.


  • "Bruno : I'm sorry, Mrs. Yang, but Miracle Juices has been a dream of ours for nearly 2 months now, and I'm not willing to part with it so soon."
  • "Always be willing to do a little bit extra."
  • "America has always been generous to our immigrants, if they're willing to work hard, they can be part of our great nation."
  • "Michelangelo was a genius who was always willing to challenge his genius with difficult new projects."
  • "Xiao Xiao : Ok, there's no need to beat around my bush*: we want your painting and we're willing to pay for it."
  • "Horatio : Let me be clear: I am definitely willing to part with Miracle Juices."
  • "Are we willing, to accept the terms and conditions of our arrangement?"
  • "As for your sexist comments, I am willing to consider them as jokes made in poor taste in the heat of the moment."
  • "Bruno : Listen, Brian, I'm sorry but we both agreed, if I let you become president of Europe AND keep your job at Delavigne, you would need to be willing to make some sacrifices."
  • "Cheryl : But we would be willing to purchase five hundred thousand units up front, with more to follow."

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