Übersetzung & Definition
(all) weekend: das (ganze) Wochenende
This weekend I have a boxing match with a kangaroo, so I'm going to pass on your wedding. Dieses Wochenende habe ich ein Boxturnier gegen ein Känguruh, daher werde ich nicht zu deiner Hochzeit kommen.
- "I know I'm sending this at short notice, but I was thinking of organising a picnic this weekend, and I'd like you all to join me."
- "Luna, just finished my weekend session at Royal Rehab."
- "Our beloved director of sales, and ex-president of Cheeterland, Philip Cheeter, recently completed a unique weekend seminar as part of Delavigne Corp's training program. Here's a excerpt from a recent email exchange between the two of us"
- "You are my fun-soldiers for the weekend!"
- "Don't forget the winner of the contest will spend a weekend with me on my private jet (also a contractual obligation)."
- "To help schedule this picnic, I'd like you all to let me know which day is best for you this weekend."
- "The weather forecast predicts it's going to be boiling all weekend, so bring your sunscreen, sunglasses and possibly a hat."
- "To say thank you for all your hard work lately, and to celebrate our moderately successful first quarter sales, I'm pleased to announce that the senior staff of the Delavigne Corporation will be taking a team-building trip this weekend!"
- "Bob the Brit : They always told me, never trust a Corsican with a gun on the fourth weekend in March!"
- "I'd just like to remind everyone that I organised a picnic this weekend, and I didn't see any of your faces there!"
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