Übersetzung & Definition

a week: eine Woche noun
I work out once a week. Ich trainiere einmal pro Woche.
weekly: wöchentlich adjective
on a weekly basis: wöchentlich, auf wöchentlicher Basis, im Wochenrhythmus idiom


  • "Bruno : I just read an article in "Big Business Weekly" about the new CEO of the fashion house "Dulce and Carpaccio"."
  • "Please help yourself to a glass of cold water, but you should know that's all the water you'll get for the next two weeks of the convention!"
  • "I haven't been able to see Game of Groans for weeks."
  • "I apologize for being in America during my first week as European president."
  • "Bruno : Ok Brian, we've been training together for 2 weeks."
  • "I am seventeen weeks old, and yes, I am indeed a talking baby."
  • "Narrator : Finally, on the third week of their journey, the impossible happened."
  • "That's the fifth human he's eaten this week."
  • "Friday : To finish the week in style, our twisted tycoon was seen burning hundred dollar bills to light Cuban cigars in a Las Vegas night club."
  • "As Horatio is still away from the office doing God knows what God knows where, you have been selected at random to look after his monkeys this week."

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