Übersetzung & Definition

to wear: tragen (Kleidung), anhaben verb
To wear wird für alles verwendet, was man am Körper trägt: Kleidung, Brillen, Hüte:
to wear glasses eine Brille tragen
Wenn es sich jedoch um etwas handelt, dass in der Hand getragen wird, verwendet man das Verb to carry:
to carry a bag eine Tasche tragen

Dieses Verb ist unregelmäßig:
I wear / I wore / I have worn

UK: What are you wearing? You look ridiculous.
US: I had nothing to wear so I borrowed one of your dresses.


  • "I want to wear something bright today, something loud…"
  • "Wearing this suit actually makes me feel like a better person."
  • "Who to hire, who to fire, who to raise, who to date, what to wear, what to eat!"
  • "I can't wear curls."
  • "He was one of the first to use black runway models in his shows, and his "ready to wear" lines of clothing democratized fashion for the masses."
  • "Bruno : Don't worry sir, I'm sure we can work this out... Let's see... I think you should definitely wear the purple shirt with green stripes – it matches your ears."
  • "-I should wear that, right?"
  • "I can't decide what to wear: The purple shirt with green stripes, or the orange shirt with silver spots... My meeting with Philip Cheeter is in half an hour."
  • "You haven't been wearing my dresses again, have you?"
  • "Patrice is a celebrated figure whose legacy includes popularizing the "ready to wear" style of clothing, as well as imbuing traditionally masculine clothing with a female sensibility."

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