Übersetzung & Definition
a waste of time: eine Zeitverschwendung
Sometimes I think that talking to Philip is a waste of my time. Manchmal denke ich, dass es eine Zeitverschwendung ist mit Philip zu reden.
We're wasting our time negotiating with you. Let's go. Wir verschwenden unsere Zeit damit, mit Ihnen zu verhandeln. Lassen Sie uns gehen.
to waste: verschwenden, verbrauchen, vergeuden
Sometimes I get the impression that he's wasting his life collecting those antique pencil-sharpeners. Manchmal habe ich den Eindruck, dass er sein Leben mit dem Sammeln von antiken Bleistiftanspitzern vergeudet.
I already wasted all morning looking for the missing report. Ich habe schon den ganzen Morgen mit der Suche des vermissten Berichtes verschwendet.
Don't waste your food. Vergeude nicht dein Essen.
- "Horatio : So you wasted your time writing those lab reports, Brian."
- "Thanks for wasting my time, mister!"
- "Kate : Oh, well I'm sorry to have wasted your time, Mr. Moon."
- "So, as you can imagine, it would be a waste of time for your friend to come down to the offices, because he can't do anything for us."
- "MyFace is a website that allows you to waste your time at work, spy on your partner, and forward spam messages to your entourage!"
- "Thanks for wasting my time, you British idiot!"
- "-Seems. Well this seems to be a waste of my time."
- "This has been a giant waste of time and money, and a good illustration of what is wrong with this country."
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