Übersetzung & Definition

a wall: eine Mauer noun


  • "So many guns and trophies on the wall!"
  • "Hands against the wall."
  • "Face the wall, bend over and touch your toes."
  • "It would be lovely if there was some colour on the walls to brighten the place up a bit."
  • "Standing on the wall"
  • "There's a poster on the wall of my office that says "A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than the giant himself."
  • "I'm tired of phone calls and I'm tired of these walls."
  • "knock on your door out of the blue saying that they notice that your roof / driveway / windows / walls need urgent work."
  • "It also has no rats and no mouldy walls and it's in my price range."

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