Übersetzung & Definition

various (activities): verschiedene (Aktivitäten) adjective
We have various ways of making you talk. Wir haben verschiedene Wege, um sie zum Sprechen zu bringen.
to vary (from one person to another): (von einer Person zur anderen) variieren, wechseln verb
varied: verschiedenartig, abwechslungsreich adjective


  • "After consulting with my team of accountants and reviewing our various accounts, I've discovered that the company has a surplus of available cash."
  • "The phenomenon varies from country to country, and many factors come into play."
  • "My work is varied and I have a number of very important responsibilities."
  • "A closet containing various psychedelic drugs (mescaline, mushrooms, and some unidentified leaves - later found to be highly psychoactive), a large pipe, and a number of animal bones."
  • "While we are undoubtedly a planet of dog lovers, the reasons for canine popularity vary from country to country: the British like dogs because they are loyal;"
  • "These days, people are shopping and banking online, instant messaging from mobile phones, posting status updates through Spitter, blogging, vlogging (or better yet mobile vlogging), aggregating news from various sources and perfecting their profiles on popular social networking sites."
  • "-Buy back 4,500 unsold units from other various retailers and partners, including web-based partners, at an average of $60 per unit ($270,000)"
  • "Our workforce is so varied."
  • "Sleep needs vary from person to person, and change throughout the life cycle."
  • "Well, here's some information I've gathered from various news sources about this event"

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