Übersetzung & Definition
upon (request): auf (Anfrage)
upon condition (of, that)...: unter der Bedingung, (dass)...
- "- Damaged goods must be reported immediately by telephone upon receipt of items. No claims for compensation can be made after three working days."
- "Upon receipt of the completed form, we will contact you to arrange a visit from one of our installation engineers*."
- "You put your faith in my abilities to make perfumes, and you gave me a chance to have creative control of products with your family's name upon them. And you got me working papers."
- "We're trying to continue upon the success of my grandfather's perfumes in Paris."
- "Philip Cheeter's first act upon becoming King was to rename Peacenikland "Cheeterland"."
- "Upon his arrival at Peacenikland airport, Philip Cheeter promptly took a taxi to the country's parliament and demanded to be crowned king."
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