Übersetzung & Definition

a union (of truck drivers): eine Gewerkschaft (der LKW-Fahrer) noun
a union (between two people): ein Bund (der Ehe) (zwischen zwei Personen) noun

UK: I complained to my union when I was fired.
US: The young couple were joined in harmonious union.


  • "Now then, if there is any man who objects to this lawful union between these two lovely people, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."
  • "Philip : We have a union?"
  • "Bruno : Okay Leonard, when you talk about "the people", and "the workers", and your "comrades", you do realize that union members make up just 1.3 percent of the staff at Delavigne?"
  • "There is power in a union."
  • "these days they just come in a different form. Smythe says that private sector companies are finding ways to compensate workers without using union labor, "The perks that a dotcom like Doodle provides for its staff, without any union interference, are unbelievable: free meals, childcare, dry cleaning services, gold-leafed toilet paper, the list goes on and on."
  • "Brian : Hmmm. I do know that some of our union workers are interested in French training."
  • "Real estate agent: Well, I have one with three rooms, 1200 square feet, on Union Square."
  • "Globalization may signal the end for the traditional American union, but workers' rights are far from dead."
  • "Vicar : As you must know, the union between man and wife is sacred."
  • "Vicar : Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate the holy matrimony of two young lovers, eager to forge a union in the eyes of God, which is to last forever and ever."

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