Übersetzung & Definition

to be unable (to do something): nicht in der Lage sein (etwas zu tun), etwas nicht tun können verb
I am unable to make it to your party Friday night. Ich kann nicht zu deiner Party am Freitag Abend kommen.
Mr. Warbuckle's accountant was unable to balance his books before the tax deadline. Mr. Warbuckles Buchhalter war nicht in der Lage, seine Zahlungsbilanz vor der Steuerfrist abzuschließen.


  • "No human casualties were reported, although it is believed that the goose was unable to survive its devastating injuries."
  • "Space Base Alpha : Unable to comply with your request."
  • "I am unable to reach you by telephone, so I am writing you this email in regards to a patient who checked in at 3 AM this morning."
  • "Unfortunately, I am unable to give you more information regarding my position and purpose, because then I would have to kill you."
  • "Please, get in touch with Charlie (I no longer have any record of his number but I'm hoping you still have it written down somewhere) and explain that I will be unable to attend the concert tonight."
  • "Unfortunately, the gentleman I was planning to take with me is unable to attend, so his ticket is up for grabs!"
  • "As a vegetarian, I was unable to eat your "vegetable" soup."
  • "Air Traffic Controller : I'm unable to identify you on radar."
  • "I am unable to take this holiday because my elderly mother fell down the stairs and broke her hip."
  • "Me, because I'm unable to smell, and Horatio because he creates smells."

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