Übersetzung & Definition

the fact that...: die Tatsache, dass... idiom
The fact that he is blind doesn't stop him from having a job. Die Tatsache, dass er blind ist, hindert ihn nicht, eine Arbeit zu haben.


  • "They don't like the fact that I'm Irish yet I travelled from the US!"
  • "Susie : Anyway, ignoring the fact that you didn't think of this idea, it's still terrible."
  • "I shouldn't have to mention the fact that the floors are always dirty, the bins are overflowing, the rumpus room smells like roquefort, and there is a heart-shaped bleach stain on the carpet by the cleaning cupboard."
  • "It is clear that Delavigne should be looking at targeting the male 15-24 age group, while at the same time advertising the fact that Delavigne products have no negative side effects for males of this age range."
  • "This is the main advantage of Stickypedia: the fact that content is constantly being updated means that only the best, truest information survives."
  • "If Greek tragedy has taught us anything (apart from the fact that we shouldn't sleep with our mothers), it is that too much pride, or hubris, brings nothing but trouble."
  • "Susie : I think you might have heard about the fact that Kalvin Krime has launched some perfumed billboards."
  • "I'm worried that some of the staff might resent the fact that Bruno appointed me."
  • "Don't let the fact that you're being watched disturb you."
  • "How about the fact that I hate my son?"

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