Übersetzung & Definition
a tax: eine Steuer
Don't forget to pay your taxes. Vergessen Sie nicht, die Steuer zu bezahlen.
income tax die Einkommensteuer
an import tax ein Einfuhrzoll
tax evasion eine Steuerhinterziehung
tax-deductible steuerlich absetzbar
- "-Sir, why did you wait until the last minute to pay your taxes?"
- "The trade-off is that we pay high income taxes."
- "Are you just doing this for the tax benefits?"
- "No more taxes!"
- "Please find attached the earth's tax return."
- "These babies have husbands, wives, they pay taxes."
- ""Forget the tax," the blonde says, "I'll use glue"!"
- ""30 dollars plus tax" says the hairdresser."
- "Horatio : I don't even pay taxes!"
- "I'm sick of the faxes and I'm sick of the taxes."
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