Übersetzung & Definition

to target: abzielen, planen verb
Our ad campaign is trying to target young adolescents. Unsere Werbeabteilung versucht, Jugendliche anzusprechen.
a target: eine Zielgruppe noun


  • "Set challenging targets!"
  • "The outsourcing boom shows no signs of slowing: India, China and the Philippines have been targets for western businesses for some time now."
  • "The 10% increase in perfume sales to men aged 15-24 in the last five years is a positive for the market, as this is a key age group in terms of new brand targeting."
  • "Overshooting the target by 500 feet, Mr. Marron finally came to a stop on the southbound lane of highway 101."
  • "Edward : Yeah, it's going to target working-class men."
  • "It is clear that Delavigne should be looking at targeting the male 15-24 age group, while at the same time advertising the fact that Delavigne products have no negative side effects for males of this age range."
  • "I've examined the market research for TigerLily and the data is conclusive: working-class men are the ones buying our perfume, therefore, they are the market segment we should target with our advertising."

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