Übersetzung & Definition

talented: begabt, talentiert adjective
a talent: ein Talent, eine Begabung noun
She has a talent for imitating tropical bird calls. Sie hat ein Talent, tropische Vogelstimmen nachzuahmen.

UK: My talents lie in human resources.
US: Philip thinks he is a very talented lover.


  • "Mercifully, one of my holiday prayers has been answered, and there will be only two displays of "talent" this year."
  • "Host : Hello, and welcome to "San Francisco Has Talent"!"
  • "I'm writing because I'm contractually obliged to remind you that today is the "Delavigne talent show", also known as "Delavigne's got talent"."
  • "Lots of talent, but you need to have the right agent to promote you, otherwise you'll never make it in Hollywood."
  • "Tonight we're talking to people with unusual talents."
  • "Greg : What is your unusual talent?"
  • "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."
  • "Bruno : Hello everyone and welcome to "Delavigne's Got Talent"."
  • "Bruno : Edward, we want to exploit, I mean, use your musical talent."
  • "Listen Marlene, I think you've got talent."

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