Übersetzung & Definition

to take (something) into account: (etwas) berücksichtigen, in Betracht ziehen verb


  • "A full environmental assessment of food should take into account how the food has been produced and what energy is used in its production."
  • "Your reactions have been recorded and taken into account."
  • "Things we DO take into account: Employment history and experience (including references), performance, academic record, competences (knowledge, skill, and abilities), suitability for the job in question."
  • "This means that when looking at resumes or conducting interviews, the Delavigne Corporation DOES NOT take the following factors into account: Gender, age, race, sexual orientation, religion, disabilities."
  • "You CANNOT take pregnancy - real or imagined - into account when hiring and firing!"
  • "We will take into account their suggestions, but these costs will be part of the budget increase."
  • "Rest assured that I will take into account your remarks concerning Susan's timetable."

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