Übersetzung & Definition
to take questions: Fragen beantworten
Now that I've finished with my speech, I will be happy to take your questions. Nun, da ich meine Rede beendet habe, beantworte ich gerne Ihre Fragen.
- "The votes will be tallied over the weekend, and we will have a meeting on Monday, in addition to our regularly scheduled staff meeting, to discuss the results, and take your questions."
- "Now, I'll take a few questions from the press."
- "Votes will be tallied over the weekend, and we will have a meeting on Monday, in addition to our regularly scheduled staff meeting, to discuss the results and take your questions."
- "Susie : Let's take one last question shall we, Brian?"
- "Ursula, why don't you take this question?"
- "I'll start with a review of the last month, then I'll take questions and comments."
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