Übersetzung & Definition
to take part in: teilnehmen an
I haven't decided whether or not Stink will take part in this year's dog show. Ich habe noch nicht entschieden, ob Stink am diesjährigen Hundeschönheitswettbewerb teilnehmen wird oder nicht.
- "Bruno : Instead, you're going to be taking part in some exciting, challenging, and extremely dangerous missions..."
- "If we are taking part in these sorts of unethical labor practices, and if our involvement in these practices gets into the open, this situation could become a real disaster from a public relations standpoint."
- "Instead, you're going to be taking part in some exciting, challenging, and extremely dangerous missions..."
- "Edward : Hi, this is Edward Moon, I'm not here right now because I'm taking part in a secret plot to overthrow the robots that have taken over the Delavigne Corporation - boooo!"
- "At the Dubai Pro-Am tournament, a major surprise as an amateur golfer named Terrance Cashman shocked the world by shooting three under par and defeating over fifty professionals taking part in the tournament."
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