Übersetzung & Definition
to take a look (at something): einen Blick (auf etwas) werfen
Take a look at those reports I put on your desk. Werfen Sie einen Blick auf diese Berichte, die ich Ihnen auf den Schreibtisch gelegt habe.
- "Philip : Before completing my mission, I have but one remaining task... to take a look at the contents of said microfiche!"
- "Here, take a look at this photo."
- "Open me up and take a look inside"
- "Now, let's take a look at baby number 3."
- "Take a look at this photo!"
- "Listen Todd, I've got one: A rabbi, a priest and an imam walk into a bar, the barman takes one look at them and says "Is this some kind of joke?"
- "Take a look at the questions below."
- "A rabbi, a priest and an imam walk into a bar, the barman takes one look at them and says "Is this some kind of joke?"
- "Brian : Well, I can take a look at it if you like."
- "Here, take a look at this one."
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