Übersetzung & Definition

a system: ein System noun
We have a new system for dealing with customer complaints, we're a lot faster now. Wir haben ein neues System, um Kundenreklamationen zu bearbeiten, wir sind jetzt viel schneller.


  • "Studies show that the current "traffic light" labelling system - red, amber and green labels representing the amounts of salt, sugar, and fat - for foods on sale in supermarkets is reasonably common, but not effective enough in reducing obesity."
  • "Well we don't use that system in Britain, but I can tell you that I graduated top of my class in Oxford, with a first class degree."
  • "I'm pleased to announce that we are experimenting with the Automated Firing System (AFS)."
  • "The finest subway system in the world."
  • "In an attempt to tackle the obesity epidemic, the British government today announced a new labelling system to be used on food."
  • "And he's helping us with our paper recycling system. He's very efficient at chewing confidential financial reports and, oh, he's just pooed on me!"
  • "Our lab tests reveal nearly fatal levels of mescaline, bath salts and bong water in his system, as well as trace elements of orange juice and horse tranquilizer."
  • "Due to an unexpected change in planning, the meeting on "security systems", originally scheduled for next Thursday, has been indefinitely postponed."
  • "And he's helping us with our paper recycling system. He's very efficient at chewing confidential financial reports."
  • "A parallel system seems to me to be the only sensible solution to the smoking problem."

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