Übersetzung & Definition
to seem: scheinen, erscheinen
Uh oh! I seem to have gotten pregnant again! Oh! Mir scheint, ich bin wieder schwanger.
It seems (that there has been an earthquake): Es scheint, (als hätte es ein Erdbeben gegeben)
It seems that Jonathan in Marketing was really a woman named Joanna. Es scheint, dass Jonathan aus der Marketingabteilung eigentlich eine Frau namens Joanna war.
It seems like it's malignant, but I'm a mechanic, not a doctor. Es scheint bösartig zu sein, aber ich bin Mechaniker und kein Arzt.
- "She cares about the environment and seems like a good person."
- "-Seems. Well this seems to be a waste of my time."
- "Lucie : Well, the elevator seems nice and clean."
- "It would seem that Bruno Delavigne is hardly fit to run a company."
- "-Seems expensive."
- "But again, it seemed like we weren't quite on the same wavelength."
- "Susie : Well I did just get back from Kalackistan where it's been snowing for what seems like an eternity."
- "I've seen this before in a French horror movie - it seems like the foie gras is making him hallucinate!"
- "It seems that there's been an administrative error."
- "Tension in this country is high - riots, protests, and angry tea drinking seem inevitable."
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