Übersetzung & Definition
a sample, a sampling: eine Probe, ein Muster
The archaeologists brought back samples of their findings. Die Archäologen brachten Proben ihrer Funde mit.
We need a sample of your DNA. Wir brauchen eine Probe von Ihrer DNA.
We will provide you with sample questions in order to help you prepare for the test. Wir werden Ihnen Probefragen zur Verfügung stellen, um Ihnen zu helfen, sich auf den Test vorzubereiten.
to sample: kosten, probieren
I sampled every chocolate truffle in the store. Ich habe alle Schokoladetrüffel im Geschäft gekostet.
Why don't you sample our product for a week, free of charge? Warum probieren Sie unser Produkt nicht eine Woche lang kostenlos aus?
- "It's a great chance to sample traditional English food!"
- "Wine woman : The next wine we'll be sampling is from our excellent vintage of 1991."
- "Steffi : Well, I admit that the samples we received were a success with the buying commission, our compliments to the creator."
- "Brian : Oh, so you've been sending out free samples without written authorisation?"
- "Here is a brief sampling of dreams from our lists"
- "Sample 1 : Danica Delavigne X Bruno Delavigne"
- "Sample 3 : Brian Jones X Bruno Delavigne"
- "We do not understand why you submitted this sample."
- "Sample 2 : Bruno Delavigne X Sarah Delavigne"
- "Enclosed in this pack are some samples taken from the Classic Collection campaign: our key image in Saudi Arabia, and its equivalent in France for comparison."
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