Übersetzung & Definition

an (airport) runway: eine Rollbahn, eine Start- und Landebahn (eines Flughafens) noun
a (fashion show) runway: ein Laufsteg (für Modenschauen) noun


  • "I didn't realise till I'd already stepped onto the runway!"
  • "With the aid of air traffic controllers, Mr. Marron was able to guide the plane towards the airport runway."
  • "He was one of the first to use black runway models in his shows, and his "ready to wear" lines of clothing democratized fashion for the masses."
  • "Aside from its famed lines of clothing, elegant runway models and shows, PLP released a number of high-end fragrances over the years including the controversial "Opiate"."
  • "Business insiders raised their eyebrows last week when it was reported that Wang Industries had acquired Dulce and Carpaccio, the Italian fashion house known for its ultra chic clothing and exquisite runway models."

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