Übersetzung & Definition

to ruin: ruinieren, zugrunde richten verb
(My house is) in ruins!: (Mein Haus liegt) in Tümmern! idiom


  • "Philip : There's no way I'm going to ruin my shoes cleaning up this mess."
  • "Instead, I intend to ruin the reputation of a good man through a combination of rumors, internet research and wild speculation*."
  • "Edward : Oh great, my suit's ruined."
  • "Brian : You're ruining our holiday party!"
  • "Second of all, you're ruining my story, and third of all, I need to drink a gallon of beer just to tolerate you."
  • "Not only did I lose the deal, but Stink ruined my favorite pair of pants."
  • "Industrial Fruit Concern Inc. has stated that if they acquire the juice business, they plan to completely change the company culture and business model, create hundreds of soulless storefronts across the world, and pretty much ruin everything that made it unique."
  • "China: an earthquake measuring 8.1 on the Richter scale has hit central China, leaving 6,000 people dead and the Chinese city of Xangxingxongdo in ruins."
  • "Philip : There's no way I'm going to ruin my $500 shoes cleaning up this mess."

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