Übersetzung & Definition

a role: eine Rolle, eine Funktion noun


  • "Your role is critical in maintaining our strong sales numbers despite the economic downturn."
  • "It would be even more fabulous if you could briefly explain your role to the kids in a simple way."
  • "At this difficult time, your role is vital in keeping Doris's working life bearable."
  • "Now, if there are no further questions, I'll simply say that I look forward to my new role as the spokesbaby for the Delavigne Corporation, and the many challenges that lie ahead of me."
  • "I'm going to talk to you today in my role as an "entrepreneur" about the importance of networking, and a theory called the "six degrees of separation" which could help you be as successful and rich as me."
  • "Your role involves supervising all retail sales, and liaising with the rest of the sales department."
  • "You will introduce yourself, and give a brief description of your role in your corporation."
  • "Your groundbreaking work with monkeys in a cruelty-free environment interested me particularly, and their significant role in your daily activities came as a mild surprise."
  • "A role requiring efficiency, organization and discretion."

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