Übersetzung & Definition

a road: eine Straße noun


  • "Mrs Brady drove on the wrong side of the road, and I was too scared to go surfing because they say there are many monsters in Cornwall."
  • "I'm happy to report that our "sales road trip" to Los Angeles was a crashing success, in the sense that we successfully crashed the company car."
  • "Just carry along this road for about a block, and then you take a left at the traffic lights."
  • "Mrs. Brady drove on the wrong side of the road, and I was too scared to go surfing because they say there are a lot of monsters in Cornwall."
  • "34-B Highwater Road"
  • "Philip will be traveling by company car in order to save on airfare, so you can consider this a 'business road trip' if you like."
  • "It has less roads."
  • "It's called "On the road" by Jack Kerouac."
  • "Roads smell bad."
  • "The celebration of their love will take place on Friday, the twenty-fifth of August at three o'clock at Sacred Heart Cathedral, 1669 Fudgejunction Road, London, England."

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