Übersetzung & Definition

to risk: riskieren verb
I risked my life for you! Ich habe mein Leben für dich riskiert!
a risk: ein Risiko noun
There's a risk that he may not survive the operation. Es besteht das Risiko, dass er die Operation nicht überlebt.
risky: risikoreich adjective
It's too risky. Das ist zu risikoreich.

UK: There's a risk that he may not survive the operation.
US: He risked all of his money on a hand of poker.


  • "Seems kind of risky, but we don't really care"
  • "Vanessa : I see... That sounds like a security risk."
  • "Likely to decrease the risk of health complications."
  • "Nurse Baker : Well, there's a risk that your blood may contain infectious diseases such as HIV..."
  • "What you do in your own time is up to you, however since there is a high risk that this demonstration could erupt in violence, I would prefer that no one leave work early to attend."
  • "Insufficient or poor-quality sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as the probability of making risky decisions."
  • "To reduce the risk of credit card fraud, we have recently updated our security system."
  • "We don't want to risk any health and safety lawsuits."
  • "Philip : Uh, actually, Katie, let's find something a bit less risky."
  • "Nurse Baker : Listen, I'm not saying you've got any of these diseases, there's just a risk."

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