Übersetzung & Definition

a reward: eine Belohnung, ein Preis noun
to reward: belohnen verb
rewarding: lohnend, bereichernd adjective
My trip to Asia was very rewarding. Meine Reise nach Asien war sehr bereichernd.


  • "If you have seen Stink, or heard any rumors to his location, please contact the lost dog hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 1-800-RU MY DOG (1-800-786-9364) Reward!"
  • "We sincerely hope that your stay at the Center for Rest and Peace is going tranquilly, and that you are enjoying the myriad rewards of our relaxing retreat."
  • "On behalf of the Delavigne Corporation I'm delighted to reward you with a substantial bonus and a magnum of Bordello Breeze perfume."
  • "The book will be privately published and given to 500 of our most exclusive clients to reward them for their loyalty (and hopefully make us look pretty cool)."
  • "If my staff does well, then I reward them."
  • "Being your special assistant is reward enough, so to receive a bonus for my work is very generous of you."
  • "(to hold out for) pie in the sky - (to wait for) a reward promised for the future, like a delicious dessert waiting for you in heaven"

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