Übersetzung & Definition

to reveal (a secret): (ein Geheimnis) enthüllen verb
A lady never reveals her age. Eine Lady enthüllt niemals ihr Alter.
to reveal (information): (eine Information) preisgeben verb
This data reveals that our customers are satisfied. Diese Daten lassen erkennen, dass unsere Kunden zufrieden sind.

UK: A lady never reveals her age.
US: This data reveals that our customers are satisfied.


  • "Your business card was attached to the patient's buttocks with chewing gum. He refuses to reveal his name, and broke a fire-extinguisher during check in."
  • "Field research and polling have revealed that there is room on the market for this kind of product, and I'd like to gauge your reactions."
  • "I can't reveal that information because..."
  • "Tinkerbell reveals her cards"
  • "In order to prevent the transmission of diseases in the workplace, I have put in place a new initiative that will encourage people to wash their hands after using the bathroom. I am reluctant to reveal too much information regarding the protocol as it may compromise its effectiveness."
  • "As I begin this new chapter in my life, substituting meaningless sexual encounters with meaningful brush strokes, I would appreciate the support of my colleagues as I reveal the fruits of my labor."
  • "CEO Bruno Delavigne, along with Chief of Research and Development Horatio Oléré, will unveil a philanthropic initiative of great consequence, to be revealed at the time of press conference (6 PM)."
  • "Our lab tests reveal nearly fatal levels of mescaline, bath salts and bong water in his system, as well as trace elements of orange juice and horse tranquilizer."
  • "It reveals a candidate's true personality: how they relate to other people, their working style and, more importantly, whether or not they think that a horse is a valid form of transportation."

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