Übersetzung & Definition

to retreat: sich zurückziehen, zurücklehnen, zurücktreten verb
Jean retreated behind a ficus when he saw Bruno approaching. Jean tritt hinter einen Feigenbaum zurück, als er Bruno näher kommen sieht.
a retreat: ein Rückzug noun
Luna goes on a retreat with all her pets and cousins once a year. Luna zieht sich einmal pro Jahr mit all ihren Haustieren, Cousinen und Cousins zurück.


  • "In spite of my blinding rage, my lifestyle guru has advised me that expressing myself to you via a letter may prove therapeutic, which is why I am penning the present missive from my retreat, high atop the Himalayan peaks."
  • "In spite of my blinding rage and abiding contempt for you, my yoga guru has advised me that expressing myself to you via a letter may prove therapeutic, which is why I am penning the present missive from my retreat, high atop the Himalayan peaks."
  • "Spa Retreat Rules - Fifth Warning"
  • "I would like to see some sort of corporate weekend retreat for the employees."
  • "I would be remiss if I did not mention that this company retreat will include team-building exercises led by an expert from the FunFactory Consulting Squadron."
  • "In response to an anonymous suggestion placed in the suggestion box last week, I am pleased to inform you that a company retreat has been planned for next month in Half Moon Bay."
  • "We sincerely hope that your stay at the Center for Rest and Peace is going tranquilly, and that you are enjoying the myriad rewards of our relaxing retreat."
  • "Subject: Corporate Retreat and Team-Building"
  • "At our spacious and tranquil retreat, you will find a solution for all your earthly problems. Whether you have a serious alcohol or drug addiction, a troubled marriage, or are just severely disappointed in your gay children, we have a program for you!"

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