Übersetzung & Definition

a retail store, a retail shop: ein Einzelhandelsgeschäft, ein Einzelhandelsladen noun


  • "According to one recent study, foot traffic at retail stores fell from January to August."
  • "Steffi : At Epikure Kosmetiks retail stores, the sales of Delavigne products have been consistently excellent."
  • "Christmas sales account for as much as 40% of a retail store's annual revenue and as much as 75% of its annual profit."
  • "According to one recent study, foot traffic at retail stores fell 19% between January and August."
  • "And unless you have my approval, Delavigne will never get that permit to build a new retail store."
  • "I have to get these figures from our California retail stores into this spreadsheet, out of that printer, and then onto Philip's desk in the next six minutes, and you are really stressing me out!"
  • "Visitors will have the opportunity to purchase their favorite perfumes in a retail store situated near the exit, and many of the artworks will be inspired by famous Delavigne scents."

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