Übersetzung & Definition

retail (sales): der Einzelhandel, der Kleinverkauf nounadjective
retail trade Einzelhandel
to retail (at): Einzelhandel betreiben, direkt verkaufen verb
The first Ontarian enterprise to retail compressed natural gas as automobile fuel opened its doors in 1982. Das erste Unternehmen aus Ontario, das komprimiertes Erdgas als automobilen Treibstoff im Einzelhandel betrieb, öffnete seine Türen 1982.
retailer: Einzelhändler noun
Bruno will be meeting with the retailers that sell Delavigne perfume next Friday. Bruno wird nächsten Freitag die Einzelhändler treffen, die die Delavigne-Parfums verkaufen werden.

UK: I would rather die than work in retail.
US: This cologne retails at 900 dollars per bottle.


  • "Promotional material will be sent to Delavigne's most important customers and retailers."
  • "Please go to Horatio's laboratory at 6pm this evening, where you will be joined by fellow "volunteers", Hannah Benedict (Head of Retail) and Edward Moon (British intern)."
  • "This should be a great time to be in the retail business."
  • "Drop in spending threatens gloomy Christmas for retailers"
  • "So, I wanted to talk to you about the Christmas retail sales."
  • "Retailers are starting to realize that it is better to sell low than not sell at all."
  • "Some of my retail reports are quite worrying."
  • "I have an announcement to make, one which I hope will change the face of retail forever!"
  • "Hannah Benedict - Head of Retail
    Hannah looks after Delavigne's interests in retail outlets and points of sale.
  • "Category Retailer"

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