Übersetzung & Definition

to result in: zu etwas führen, zur Folge haben verb
Bruno's automobile accident resulted in the loss of his sense of smell. Brunos Autounfall hatte den Verlust seines Geruchssinnes zur Folge.


  • "All absences will be noted on your permanent record and result in firing squad!"
  • "A recent study has shown that 2.2% of screw-cap bottles - metal stoppers which replace real corks - contain high sulphur levels, resulting in a smell of rotten eggs."
  • "I promise you that it is a great idea and could result in great publicity (and great sales) for the company."
  • "At approximately 15:00, 26th July 2011, a shark attack off of Bondi Beach resulted in one fatality."
  • "Our very healthy profits in the first half of this year will not only result in generous dividends for our shareholders, but will in large part be re-invested into generating even better results."
  • "When Icarus asked for martial arts training, I never thought it would result in this."
  • "At approximately 15:00, 26th July 2011, a shark attack off Bondi Beach resulted in one fatality."
  • "Consider this email a first warning, further reports of verbal abuse will result in serious consequences!"

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