Übersetzung & Definition

to be responsible for: verantwortlich sein für idiom
Achtung: responsible wird im Englischen nicht als Nomen verwendet, jemand der zuständig oder verantwortlich ist, ist nicht the responsible sondern the person in charge, the manager usw.
To this day I don't know who was responsible for letting sheep onto the cricket pitch. Bis heute weiß ich nicht, wer für dafür verantwortlich war, Schafe auf das Kricketfeld zu lassen.
a responsibility: eine Verantwortung noun

UK: One day I will grow up and be responsible, but not yet.
US: To this day I don't know who was responsible for putting goats in my garden.


  • "Responsibility and management of a customer support department"
  • "How will Jones balance the needs of Europe with his responsibilities as a special assistant in San Francisco?"
  • "According to scientists, the aviation industry is responsible for around 3.5% of man-made climate change."
  • "Are you sure you want that responsibility?"
  • "Naturally, we'll be needing a manager for this team: his or her responsibilities will include fielding phone calls, and training and managing the staff of this new department."
  • "You however, are responsible for sourcing my new companion."
  • "Philip : Hannah, do you want that responsibility?"
  • "Some believe aliens are responsible for US president Donald Trump."
  • "How will this unique situation affect the president's responsibilities to his continent?"

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