Übersetzung & Definition

the research and development department: die Abteilung für Forschung und Entwicklung idiom


  • "I know that you like to read my letters when you open them every morning, so you are probably aware that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is coming to audit our R&D Department."
  • "CEO Bruno Delavigne, along with Chief of Research and Development Horatio Oléré, will unveil a philanthropic initiative of great consequence, to be revealed at the time of press conference (6 PM)."
  • "Susie : Those animals are voluntary assistants to our Research and Development team. I can assure you that they are well compensated for their participation."
  • "A comprehensive inspection of your premises was conducted by myself in the presence of Mr. Horatio Oléré (Head of R&D) and Mr. Brian Jones (Laboratory Assistant) on Monday August 31."
  • "It is my sad duty to inform you that I am resigning from my positions as Head of Research and Development and Most Handsome Man at the Delavigne Corporation, effective immediately."
  • "And our research and development team has some ideas for the design of the bottles."
  • "Horatio : You have reached the voicemail machine of Horatio Oléré, the head of research and development at the Delavigne Corporation and an aspiring massage therapist."
  • "Production, research and development, sales and distribution will resume as per usual."
  • "Director of Research and Development"
  • "Additionally, the Research & Development Department will be embarking on a three-month trek into the Indonesian jungle to hunt for new ingredients."

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