Übersetzung & Definition

a requirement: ein Erfordernis, eine Voraussetzung noun
What are the requirements for this job? Was sind die Voraussetzungen für diese Arbeit?
to require: brauchen, benötigen, erfordern, wünschen verb

UK: I would be happy to meet all of your requirements sir.
US: Your presence is required at the meeting.


  • "If you send him an email with your requirements and preferences, he'll look through all the properties he has on his books and select the ones most suited to your needs."
  • "ChinaCorp will definitely be able to take care of the production requirements you mentioned, I can tell you this even before we meet."
  • "Thank you very much for the many opportunities given to me during my tenure at the company, including my state of the art laboratory, monkey staff, and relaxed clothing requirements."
  • "Requirements A short jingle with original lyrics and music to promote Delavigne perfumes."
  • "Bruno : Well, Dr. Badguy, I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but the basic requirement of any ransom negotiation is that the kidnappers have a hostage."
  • "I don't doubt your talent, Mr. Hogwash, but perhaps the unique requirements of this project scare you?"
  • "If anything matching my requirements does come up, I am still interested, so please do keep my records on file."
  • "ChinaCorp will definitely be able to take care of the production requirements you mentioned."

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