Übersetzung & Definition

to replace: ersetzen verb
I'm here to replace the consultant during her maternity leave. Ich bin hier, um die Beraterin während ihres Mutterschaftsurlaubs zu ersetzen.
a replacement: ein Ersatz, eine Auswechslung noun
The clutch is burnt out in my car, and I need to order a replacement. Bei meinem Auto ist die Kupplung kaputt gegangen und ich muss ein Ersatzteil bestellen.


  • "He's the robot that will replace you."
  • "Replace Bruno's dead pet with one that's alive!"
  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly skilled office job!"
  • "And I know exactly what you should replace it with..."
  • "Narrator: And finally we move to the office of CEO Bruno Delavigne, where Special Assistant Brian Jones has been replaced by a camel."
  • "Samantha : I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can never hope to replace Sheeba."
  • "I want to thank you for your invaluable help over the last few weeks: Replacing the majority of our workforce with automatons and robots was no easy task, but your help in reducing our fragile, fleshy and weak human staff was done with ruthless, near robotic, efficiency."
  • "Owner : I can't give you a refund, but I can replace him with another animal."
  • "If anyone has any ideas of what to build on the second floor to replace the laboratory, your suggestions are welcome!"
  • "I don't want to be replaced, Bruno."

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