Übersetzung & Definition

to remind (sbdy) of (sthg), to remind that: (jemanden) an (etwas) erinnern, daran erinnern, dass verb
I am reminding you that we have a meeting on Monday. Ich erinnere Sie daran, dass wir Montag ein Meeting haben.
Can you remind me to go to the post office? Kannst du mich daran erinnern, zur Post zu gehen?


  • "Before we get started, I'd like to remind you that tomorrow's activities include camel boxing, camel racing, and of course the camel swimsuit competition!"
  • "He says that it reminds him of his youth in an Uzbekh clown prison, but did not elaborate."
  • "I remind you that my home country, Ozsglackastan, is not yet part of Europe - the EU is not crazy enough to let us join."
  • "Only serve to keep reminding me of how much I missed you."
  • "I remind you that I am very funny."
  • "I'd just like to remind everyone that I organised a picnic this weekend, and I didn't see any of your faces there!"
  • "Reminds me of my first hit."
  • "I'm writing because I'm contractually obliged to remind you that today is the "Delavigne talent show", also known as "Delavigne's got talent"."
  • "Apparently, the painting reminds him very much of his grandmother, who was also red, ugly and had your signature on her bottom."
  • "He says they remind him of Bruno Delavigne."

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