Übersetzung & Definition

(a) remarkable (improvement): (eine) bemerkenswerte, beachtliche (Verbesserung) adjective
(the twins are) remarkably (alike): (die Zwillinge sind sich) frappierend, außergewöhnlich (ähnlich) adverb


  • "It's true that Stickypedia is maintained by anonymous volunteers rather than renowned experts, but despite this, it works remarkably well!"
  • "This sort of initiative has had remarkable success at such multinationals as Moogle."
  • "It will be remarkably simple to put in place."
  • "Brian : As we all know, Jean has made remarkable progress with his English."
  • "As some of you may know, the Opera House is a stunning building with a remarkable history."
  • "As you are no doubt aware, sleep is remarkably important!"
  • "Narrator : Bruno never forgot this remarkable first encounter, and spent his years at University studying animal behavior and linguistics."
  • "The bottle looks remarkably similar, with the same shape and colours and the logo is clearly based on ours."
  • "Not only will you be astounded by the sound, but you will also be contributing to one of the most remarkable technological turnarounds in recent history."
  • "Auctioneer : We have 45 thousand dollars for this remarkable painting?"

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