Übersetzung & Definition

a relationship: eine Beziehung noun
(to be) in a relationship: in einer Beziehung (sein) idiom


  • "Lack of sleep leads to irritability, poor behavior and trouble with relationships, especially among children and teens."
  • "Samantha : If I may, sir, camels are amazing animals, and I am currently in a serious relationship with one, but there is no way that a camel could replace a human being at a highly skilled office job!"
  • "God : I have an intimate relationship with all creatures on earth."
  • "I put my job first, and ignored distractions like personal relationships, friends, lovers even pets and occasionally personal hygiene."
  • "Chapter 1: Childhood in Paris: adoption and relationship with Swedish au pair"
  • "I need to know about your relationship with my dad."
  • "It's not fair to you for me to pretend our relationship is going to work when I know in my heart my attention is elsewhere - Europe."
  • "Sigourney : Well I was wondering if you had any comment on the rumours that Bruno Delavigne and Ivana BümBüm are in a romantic relationship."
  • "In the real world, relationships like hers don't exist."
  • "Susie : Well, I know relationships aren't always perfect Samantha, but they're not as bad as all that!"

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