Übersetzung & Definition

regarding, in regard to: betreffend, in Bezug auf preposition
Regarding last month's report... In Bezug auf den letzten Monatsbericht ...
If your call is regarding a savings account… Wenn Sie wegen eines Sparkontos anrufen…

UK: I'm phoning regarding your research on the word "regarding".
US: "Regarding" means "with reference to". Interesting huh?


  • "If this is regarding a shipment of tarantulas, please press 1."
  • "Regarding a restaurant in Hong-Kong: if you want to try something different, I really enjoy "The Joyful Shrimp Palace", located downtown."
  • "It doesn't sound like you are on the same page regarding the future of Miracle Juices at all."
  • "I'm calling in regards to the ad I read in the paper."
  • "Brenda : Yes, please tell him that I'm returning his call regarding a meeting next week."
  • "This letter is in regards to a poor vending experience at Saint Andre's."
  • "Unfortunately, I am unable to give you more information regarding my position and purpose, because then I would have to kill you."
  • "I am unable to reach you by telephone, so I am writing you this email in regards to a patient who checked in at 3 AM this morning."
  • "Thanks for your inquiry regarding potential pregnancies."
  • "Regarding Horatio's surprise party: I've been running around trying to catch up with the department heads and here is what I've found out"

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